Welcome to the HYPERMARKT

Rachid DATA will be present at HYPERMARKT,
collective exhibition, Arles, 3-10 juillet.
Infos : Galerie2600

The Supermarkt

The Golden dolphin from the collection, Olivier Cablat, present his federal system around the concept of supermarket.
The event take place in Arles, place de la Roquette, during the famous photography festival, R.I.P.
Just 5 days of rumble with a Galaxy of Style.

1 Month at the Por-Aya Palace / Marseille

featuring the complete series of Pierre Schwartz, Chic & Choc,
an original ink on canevas by the official biographer Stanislas Blick,
a new piece from the"Abrakadhafi" series by Rachid Data 
and a selection of 6 videos on TV by Simon Scanner.
# dossier de presse & website: por-aya.fr

Original Stanislas for Rachid

Né en janvier 1941 à Benghazi (Lybie), Rachid Data est un enfant turbulent et très précoce qui infiltre, dés 6 ans, le milieu des télépathes italiens. Après de brillantes études à Tobrouk, dont il ressort toutefois sans le moindre bagage, il décide de quitter son pays natal pour tenter sa chance en Europe, et exerce divers métiers alimentaires, desquels il conservera une polyvalence exceptionnelle, souvent admirée, parfois imitée, mais jamais égalée. Après avoir ravi une médaille de bronze aux jeux paralympiques d’Innsbruck en 1964, et déposé divers brevets grâce notamment à ses travaux dans la physique quantique, crée le Krav Maga et le Bloody Mary, Rachid se lance parallèlement dans une chaine mondiale de Taxiphones et démarre une collection d’oeuvres d’arts grâce à ce commerce florissant. Captivé par la puissance des mouvements artistiques d’après-guerre, précurseur insatiable, il amorce une carrière fulgurante dans les arts plastiques et crée le Mouvement Data, auquel il initie de nombreux jeunes talents. Il bâtit alors la Fondation RD, ainsi que le Data Magic Museum of Tripoli, qui regroupe aujourd’hui plus de six cents oeuvres originales, dont plus de deux mille mètres carrés sont dédiés à sa fameuse collection privée de débris d’avions. Considéré comme un véritable gourou, il décide alors de se retirer dans sa tente luxueuse pour établir les bases d’une troisième voie, philosophie mentaliste dont il est l’annonciateur, et s’adonne quotidiennement au culte du cargo, tout en gardant un oeil prépondérant sur le marché de l’art, dénichant régulièrement de nouveaux bijoux, élargissant ainsi sa colossale collection.

C’est un aperçu de cette collection mythique, mêlant ses propres oeuvres ainsi que celles de ses protégés, que Rachid Data vous propose de découvrir à travers une exceptionnelle exposition itinérante faisant escales dans les grandes villes européennes et africaines. 

Stanislas Blick

Rachid Data posing for his official biographer Stanislas Blick in the Data Magic Museum of Tripoli before its latest installation, entitled "Carnival in Rio". 

Ink on canvas (30 x 30) 2009

Pieces of Collection: Stone Black #01

Mouamar introduce a new series during the Temptation of Truth Festival in Lagos, Nigeria. 76 days of Fury for the federal dolphin

Stone Black & Pierre Schwartz . piece from Chic & Choc series / 2009

Collapse in the district of figs

Cocktail de sang de bouc et transfusion visuelle d'identités croisées
Vendredi 12 et Samedi 13 Juin 2009 (16h-23h)
featuring Vilchis Family/ Mexico DF
A.D.N - Atelier du Nord . 29 rue St Etienne (Figuerolles) MONTPELLIER

Rent of Flavor

Want to rent a Rachid work? clearly possible...
Do like Gerard Holtz and bring at home an original Rachid for the summer

Rachid Data . Metal Flavor for Rachid (80x120) Tape on Wood. 2009

Pledge on the gag's edge

"Rachid broke obstruction associated with our contract of confidence on the ultimate gag tyranny. Marseille was a collapse, and now, his reputation is putrefaction"
R.Kadato  in The Rachid Newsweek 24/09/09
Rachid Data in Aubagne street - Marseille 05/2009. picture by Richard Dato

Mouamar meets Andy

The meeting between Mouamar Khadafi and Andy Warhol was decisive in the career of Rachid Data

The Last Madness of Rachid

Paying for a little happiness? Why not enjoy a good dose of spleen
Samedi 23 Mai at the DM2 / Apéro-Shopping with Rachid (19h-24h)
Pieces from the Rachid Data's Collection: posters by Olivier Cablat Patcab / stickertape by Simon Scanner . silkscreen by Chap"s

Maurice Kafardi (Chap"s). Le Retour du Cafard . sérigraphie (50x40cm) 2009


Exposition du lundi 18 Mai au Samedi 23 Mai de 14h - 19h
DIVINE MADNESS 2 rue Chateauredon. 13001 Marseille

ABRAKADHAFI : The Rachid's Divine Selection 2009

Exhibition apérotative le Samedi 16 Mai à partir de 19h00
Featuring Simon Scanner, Olivier Cablat, Richard Dato, Maurice Kafardi, Chap''s, Patrice Cablat
lecture performance de Fernand Fernandez

archives of future

Rachid Data - Marseille 05/2009. picture by Richard Dato


As a teenager, Rachid Data tried to invent his own mythology using elements he was dreaming about.

White Data for Richard

perverse example of plagiarism by a universal master data

Richard Dato & Rachid Data. White General . tape on wood (80x60cm) 2009

A pre-meditated, deliberate and thoroughly-planned spectacle of frightful violence (KOBE 2009)

During the Art & Dictat Exhibition in Kobe , Rachid Data propose an amazing performance in the center of the pyramid made by the artist and friend Ken Kadato, with japanese céramics. The concept, inspired by the brainstormed works of Alain Souchon & Laurent Voulzy, take place beetween avatar credibility and muscle thoughts.

The youth of RACHID DATA

Between 1976 and 1978, Rachid Data stayed 2 years in the same place, monitoring the entrance of the Tripoli Fine-Arts school.
It was the time of his military service and the legend says he has read more than 150 books during this time.

KADAFEAR in Detroit

Rachid Data propose a portrait for the Curator's Aircraft Biennale in Detroit, a tribute to the crackpotbreaker graphism...

Rachid Data . Kadhafear . tape on wood (80x60cm) 2009

Benghazy (Lybia) 1941

Benghazy sentral Mostashfa.
(Central Hospital of Benghazy)
... The place were Rachid Data was Born.

أنت تمزق رشيد البالغ من العمر

العاطفة. ومن ظلال الجثث من المفاهيم التي تحرق الروح من القردة التي المفوضين. وينبغي أن ينظر إليه باعتباره وحمض تكون متيقظة له هود
Mouamar Kadhafi, Damas (13/01/2009) a propos de Rachid Data
et de son recueil de poesie sur les hydrocarbures.

Poem Data #4

MaxColorFX_Size - NumSparks
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Rachid Data ¡É*ûD6@Y[ .2009. extrait de The Book of Data

Rachid Data . Interior . oil on canevas 42x70cm . 2008

Kafardi's Spleen Research

"Maurice Kafardi seem to be the man best qualified to show the perversity of contemporary Oriental Spleen, he aspires spinal unprecedented human status on the Brink of Abyss"
T.Kadato (from The Japanese Art Sketch Club), about the work of Rachid Data & Maurice Kafardi on ABRAKADAFI Spectrum 09 Project

Maurice Kafardi & Rachid DataSearch The Sound (2009)

Data Peace for 2009

Rachid Data and Richard Dato where both nominated for the Award Price of  the IPAP foundation (International production for Art and Peace), a price that is given each 15 years to an artist or a group of Artists whose practice and philosophy could contribuate to create peace arround the world.
The jury was particulary impressed with a serie named "Abrakhadafi" that was a try to create a spiritual link between the north and the south of mediteranean sea.

Mouamar's new magic trick

Crossing in Berlin, mouamar caused a riot by performing his new magic trick with his additional finger.
Remember that in Germany, amputation and the addition of member of the human body is strictly prohibited by the magic law of Art Data

Mahmoud Abbas propose to organize a symposium named Magic Data for Peace, with Rachid Data & Richard Dato and the musician Deodata...

Poem Data #3

Between poetry and performance, the double of Rachid Data propose for ABRAKADHAFI the Poem Data #3 to those who really want to survive to Data Show at the Royal Data Hotel (07.02.09)

PD#3 (extait)
01:01:35,362 --> 01:01:39,283 / La chose veut se cacher
‡ l'intÈrieur d'une imitation.329 / 01:02:30,959 --> 01:02:34,004
00201:02:56,735 -->Tu vas me casser l'aiguille dans le bras 002
01:03:14,336 --> 01:03:17,548""Et il restera quelque chose de nous."564

The case of Richard Dato

"A work of art made in admitted imitation of several style of other works from Data. A composition of incongruous parts; a hodgepodge or pasticcio. Often a pastiche is made in order to ridicule the style of the artist it imitates, but in the case of Dato, the mystic of his général concept encompass the purity and the putrefact of his opposite side. Richard let everything ruined: here comes the magic"

Richard Dato , Témor ta mer, 2008, cibachrome, (111.5 x 76.8 cm), Santa Barbara Museum of Art, CA / inspired by Témor ta mer, an oil on canevas by Rachid Data (1986)

Interstellar Space

1992 : Data understand that any act of creation is connected to something else that was existing before


Rachid Data 06/1976 (extrait de "Datadafé")

Réédition 98 copies + 2

Réédition vinyle de l'album culte de Rachid Data en hommage à l'acteur américain Lee Marvin et à son engagement pour le breakdance lybien.
Enregistré le 6 Mars 1993 au
Immemorial Festival de Montréal
#Hidden Tracks Remix de Richard.D

Genesis of the north-afro Futurism

1984 - Rachid Data discover how a basic form could be a pretext for creation...


Switching to Binary mode.
Rachid Data present his colossal work across the earth


Entering Passive Mode (213,186,33,207,103,99)
Making data connection to port 26467
STOR 3d.html
150 Ok to send data.
226 File receive OK.
Transfer of 3d.html (6 030 bytes, 251 bytes/sec, 0:24 elapsed) completed at 27/10/08 16:06:49
200 Switching to Binary mode.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,186,33,207,48,74)

Rachid Data 12/2008 (poème extrait de "The Book of Data")

“Ce qui importe est d’insister sur la quantité croissante de preuves de l’existence d’une conspiration mentale et , de par le monde, pour la destruction des gouvernements organisés, et la prolifération du comportement lui-même et de la réaction produite par le sentiment que crée le langage face au processus d'unification spontané, en harmonie avec les arts et le récital du Vide. Alors seulement, les sentiments seront accordés”
William Kitator - ambassadeur du Data International
(a propos de l'attentat du La Belle Club à Berlin, le 6 avril 1986)
the president of present -  rachiddata.com


"... The work of Rachid Data is directly connected to his eclectic environment, which is also his main source of influence. Data has always been directed by the idea that the frontier between his artistic pratice and his deep self being had to be like a burning atom, in the same time without any concrete relation with its context but also a potentialy reason of the destruction of it.
Data is always walking into this dialectic and that is why the experience of joy he gaves to us as spectators couldn't be only expressed with feelings that we use to express in any other situation.
Data is unique and meeting his work for the first time can lead you to a place from where you don't come back as the one you used to be before ..."